Event Auckland

Agnes of God

Sex, religion, logic and murder.
Karina Abadia
November 25, 2012


Sex, religion, logic and murder. Female Company presents their debut show, the gritty and powerful Agnes of God.

In 1976 in Brighton, New York police were called to a quiet convent where a nun was found bloodstained and in shock. In her waste paper basket lay the deceased body of her newborn son. What followed was a controversial court case which put to the test the faith and compassion of all those involved. Based on a true story, Agnes of God captures the struggle of three women; the court psychiatrist, the Mother Superior and the young nun herself.

Directors Luke Thornborough and Nicole Eichstaedt have stripped the play right back to its core to expose the depth and drive behind these three characters. Simple set and stage design means the play relies on the talent of the actors to propel this powerful piece forward.

To find out more about Female Company, click here.



Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wednesday, December 12 - Saturday, December 15, 2012


The University of Auckland Drama Studio
14a Symonds Street, Level 3, Arts 1 Building


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