Cairo Knife Fight, Autozamn, Knives at Noon at The Whiskey Live

This Wednesday, tom-tom attack drummer Nick Gaffeney and blood-drenched axe work guitarist Aaron Tokona take the stage as the two piece sensation Cairo Knife Fight, along with Autozamn and Knives at Noon.
Kyle Bell
Published on May 29, 2012


As New Zealand Music Month draws to a close, The Whiskey Live (which has been showcasing some of New Zealand's top musical talent throughout May) builds up to a rapturous crescendo. This Wednesday, tom-tom attack drummer Nick Gaffeney and blood-drenched axe work guitarist Aaron Tokona take the stage as the two piece sensation Cairo Knife Fight.

Delivering  a tidal wave of complete sound that is both hallucinatory and imbued with an intense sense of urgency they're one not to be missed. Cairo Knife Fight are joined by Autozamm and Knives at Noon ensuring Wednesday will be a night of high energy rock at The Whiskey.


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