Fallen Angels

Auckland Theatre Company's adaptation of Noel Coward Fallen Angels is the original Absolutely Fabulous.
Karina Abadia
Published on February 04, 2014


Auckland Theatre Company's adaptation of Noel Coward Fallen Angels is the original Absolutely Fabulous.

Socialites Julia and Jane lament the loss of excitement in their marriages. However, their settled lives are soon up-ended when a mutual long-ago-lover, sexy Frenchman Maurice Duclos, announces his intention to pay them a visit. With their husbands away playing golf, there's obviously only one thing to do: pop open the champagne.

With each successive glass, tongues start to loosen, hidden jealousies surface and the claws come out. Will Maurice arrive? Will he favour one over the other? Will Julia and Jane's longstanding friendship be mortally wounded? Will their husbands be suitably jealous? Only time will tell in this smart and stylish comedy.

Make it a girls' night out and you'll receive a goodie bag filled with delights, a glass of wine and an ice cream. To book select the  'Girls Night Out' ticket price when you make your online booking.


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