Event Auckland

KFC Sushi Train

The chain's Fort Street store is being made over with a custom-built sushi conveyor belt.
Stephen Heard
September 11, 2019


All aboard — global fried chicken conglomerate KFC is hosting its very own sushi train experience in Auckland this month.

The rotating feast comes in celebration of a partnership with Japanese mayonnaise brand Kewpie and the launch of the protein-heavy menu item, the Teriyaki Double Down.

On Monday, 16 September the KFC Fort Street store will be made over with a custom-built sushi conveyor belt that will deliver the bun-less teriyaki burgers and a range of sushi featuring the Colonel's favourite finger licking menu items.

Bruce Lee, owner of Newmarket sushi chain, Bruce Lee Sushi & Roll, will be rolling the sushi with culture clash ingredients such as popcorn chicken, chips and tenders.

Entry to the experience is by registration only. To enter, visit kfcsushitrain.co.nz.

Image: KFC.




Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019


KFC Fort Street
4 Fort Street


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