Kim Dotcom Presents: The Party Party

A party so good it should be illegal. But instead it's free.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on January 14, 2014


Statement from Kim Dotcom on the cancellation of this event:

I apologize, my friends. Sadly we must cancel my birthday party after we received advice that the event could risk breaching electoral laws. Because the tickets were free, we were advised that the purpose of the event could be misunderstood. I would like to thank the 25,000 people who registered for my birthday party. You are all amazing. I was looking forward to an awesome event with great live music and other surprises – but the future of New Zealand is more important to me than one night of fun. I hope you agree. So we are moving forward with the Internet Party!!

If Kim's New Years Eve appearance at Rhythm and Vines is anything to go by, our pal Kimmy D knows how to party. (#NeverGiveUp)

The German's turning forty this month, so in classic K.D. style, he'll will be throwing one hella party. The Party Party is open and free entry to all, except the GCSB.

Upon arrival all guests will get a free copy of his album "Good Times" and go in the draw to win some other prizes.

To attend Kim Dotcom's Party Party, you just have to register here. Note, due to over 15,000 registrations, the venue has been moved from Shed 10 to Vector Arena.


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