Mail Art 101

Art connecting the world.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on August 24, 2015


Stamp collectors have gotten the brunt of society's disregard for strange hobbies for too long. I mean, really, stamps are just tiny pieces of art connecting the world. Which is quite magical when you think about it like that.

Mail art, an art movement birthed in the sixties, takes stamps to the next level. Instead of posting envelopes with pretty, minuscule squares stuck to them, artists send entire chunks of visual art - as well as poetry, music and so on - to others via the postal system.

In Mail Art 101, mail artist, printmaker and letterpress operator Erin Fae will take you through the history of mail art and workshop how to create your own as part of the Auckland Zinefest. Tickets are $22.


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