
Munted finds laughter amongst grief and a strengthened community in the heart of the shaken city.
Karina Abadia
Published on December 01, 2012


Based on the February 22nd Christchurch earthquake, Munted draws on the personal experiences of TV reporters and the community a month following that fateful day; everything you hear on stage is 100% verbatim from the 15 people interviewed. These subjects vary from a 4 year old boy, to a greengrocer’s wife to a cameraman covering the earthquake on television.

The objective of this play by emerging theatre company Bare Hunt Collective is to value and encourage storytelling in the community. Following each performance there wil be a forum creating an opportunity to facilitate discussion with the public. Stories of loss, peppered with humour and perspective, Munted finds laughter amongst grief and a strengthened community in the heart of the shaken city.


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