Event Auckland

Neil deGrasse Tyson

The world's sexiest (and most famous) astrophysicist alive is coming to Auckland.
Ben Tutty
July 02, 2017


Neil deGrasse Tyson holds 19 honorary doctorates — degrees which take normies around a decade to complete, and this guy's getting handed them like Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlets. He's an expert on star formation, exploding stars dwarf galaxies, the structure of the universe itself and countless other subjects that are too complex and confusing for us mere mortals.

Yet somehow he manages to make it all relatable and fascinating, encouraging millions of curious minds around the world to discover science and to increase their knowledge. That's probably why he's a best-selling author and a four time Grammy-nominated narrator. He was even once named the sexiest astrophysicist alive (not exactly a competitive field, but still).

Thank the stars that this accomplished and dashing genius is en route to New Zealand for one Auckland show at Spark Arena. Buy tickets soon to be transported across the cosmos by one of the smartest men alive.



Sun, Jul 9, 2017

Sunday, July 9, 2017



Spark Arena
Mahuhu Crescent


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