Arts & Entertainment

Ocean Appreciation feat People of Paris and Erika Amoore

Ricardo Christie's send off into the World Surfing League.
By Kyle Bell
January 16, 2015

Sat, Jan 17, 2015

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Society and Nook

95 Queen Street, Auckland CBD

A good old fashion knees up for the surfing industry, including a final send off for Ricardo Christie as he embarks on his epic journey upon the world surfing league. Door entry asks for $5 koha, which goes towards Ricardo's ventures.

As the event page states, 'a beautiful mince-up of ocean lovers all celebrating our salty pleasures to the funky, relentlessly eclectic beats of People of Paris and Erika Amoore'. Sounds good to me. Get in early to claim the best spot and take advantage of the sea dog specials from the sponsors Red Bull, Asahi and Jagermeister.

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