Event Auckland CBD

Red Bull Paper Wings

Your piece of origami engineering will be judged on distance, airtime and aerobatics.
Stephen Heard
March 09, 2015


The paper aeroplane engineering competition is set to take flight in Auckland with competitors showing off their skills in three areas: distance, airtime and aerobatics. The winner of each discipline will win themselves a trip to the world finale in Salzburg, Austria in May.

More than 37,000 competitors from 83 countries took part in the qualifiers in 2012 with Lebanon’s Elie Chemaly folding his way to the longest airtime of 10.68 seconds and Tomas Beck, from the Czech Republic gaining the longest distance of 50.37 meters with his paper creation.

No training or license is required to take part in Red Bull Paper Wings; just a singular piece of A4 paper and exceptional folding ability.

The Auckland qualifying events will take place at both the University of Auckland and Unitec.

University of Auckland – Thursday 12 March | 11am – 2pm | Rec Centre

Unitec Auckland – Wednesday 18 March | 11am – 4pm | Sports Centre




Thursday, March 12, 2015 - Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thursday, March 12 - Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Auckland University
22 Princes Street
Auckland CBD


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