Russell Brand
Attempting to change the world through stand-up comedy.
It is difficult to pinpoint just what Russell Brand is. He seems to contradict himself on a regular basis, yet is still somehow extremely convincing.
A career that started to gain momentum 15 years ago in a London comedy club has seen him, among other things, fall into and recover from a heroin addiction, star in Hollywood movies, marry and divorce the biggest pop star in America, write several books, and create and host one of the most popular podcasts on the internet. Coming full circle, Brand now returns to comedy with a live stand up show called Trew World Order. It is advertised as this:
"Russell Brand has decided the only way to change the world is to be part of the crowd. Collectively, as a crowd, a horde, a mob we can change the world. This show is a rabble-rousing stab at creating, through the power of the crowd, a Trew World Order."
Just as is anything he puts his hands on, it promises to be inappropriate, unpredictable, slightly confusing, and consistently over the top.