Oh created six oversized, transparent PVC bubbles all in the name of "art".
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on January 06, 2015


Six oversized, transparent PVC bubbles will be loitering around Auckland Art Gallery for the majority of 2015 as part of Seung Yul Oh's latest artistic endeavour.

Named by the Guardian UK as ‘One of the rising stars of the Asian art market’, the Korean artist is no stranger to inflatable (or playful) art - his last installation, Moamoa, A Decade included a bonafide yellow bouncy castle, a set of roughly 200:1 scale Kinder eggs (officially known as "egg-shaped birds") and a giant room-length bubble.

SOOM, which means breath in Korean, "extends Oh's work with inflatables and explores his interest in expansion, growth and the possibility of explosion," says Chartwell Trust spokesperson Sue Gardiner. "There is an element of something playful, active and instantaneous - and ever so slightly threatening - with his work."

SOOM is showing at the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o T?maki's Edmiston North Sculpture Terrace until the 11th of October 2015.


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