Event Viaduct

Sustainable Coastlines Charity Ball: Let’s Get Cleaned Up

Drinks will be poured, plates will be filled with a three-course meal, and music will be played - including the likes of Jamie McDell, the Hipstamatics and Peter Ulrich.
Diana Clarke
September 29, 2014


If you’re one of those people who wants to make the world a better place, but cant quite bring yourself to leave the couch and Orange is the New Black to collect garbage, then this is one of the easiest ways for you to help a good cause, whilst having a considerably better time than picking up roadside junk. The Sustainable Coastlines Charity Ball: Let’s Get Cleaned Up is making its fourth appearance this year at the Hilton Hotel. I know the phrase ‘charity ball’ tends to have people keeping a tight string on their coin purses, since the events are pretty notorious for tipping the bank. This one, however, is pretty affordable, at $1350 for a table of ten. Split that between you, and it’s a very reasonable $135 night. Let’s face it, your overly-generous drunken self would’ve ordered a round of shots in a moment of pure sloshed stupidity, and the bill would’ve totalled about the same amount. At least this way, the money goes to charity instead of into the mouths of your equally-mortalled mates.

That is not to say there will not be drinking at the ball. Drinks will be poured, plates will be filled with a three-course meal, and music will be played. The four musical talents of the night include Jamie McDell, the Hipstamatics, Peter Ulrich and DJ Murry Sweetpants, each of whom will ensure the night stays pumping right up until the afterparty. Speaking of, the official aferparty kicks off at midnight at Everybody’s, where ball guests are admitted free entry whilst everyone else is condemned to the ever-dreaded line-up outside and a $10 entry fee.

So if you’re up for a night of good food, good wine, good company and all for a great cause, then book yourself a table at the Sustainable Coastlines Charity Ball. That way you can feel good about yourself whilst doing everything you would've already been doing on a Saturday night. Also, bring your wallet if you want to pitch in a little extra at the live auctions, you might pick up a bargain.



Sat, Oct 4, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014



The Hilton
147 Quay Street


$1350 for a table of ten
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