Tempo Dance Festival

A festival of fancy footwork.
Melissa Roberts
Published on September 26, 2016


Whether your idea of dancing involves a bar or a barre, there is something for you at Tempo Dance Festival 2016. New Zealand's premier dance festival is back this October, and Queen Street's beloved Q Theatre will again play host to its range of performances.

Across two weeks, a diverse troupe of dancers will thrill audiences with their engaging and creative interpretations of movement. For the dance connoisseurs out there, the revival of Michael Parmenter's Insolent River: A Tango from 1985 is tipped to be a must-see. But for those who simply want to watch people moving their bodies beautifully to music, the jazz showcase All That and the festival's closing show Taumata are the ones to go for.

This year's festival lineup represents the wide variety of dance styles that are popular in New Zealand – from contemporary dance fusion to Madonna-esque voguing. There are also movement workshops, artist talks, a seminar on how to realise a career in dance and a free end-of-week dance party.

Regardless of whether you dance professionally or in the car while stopped at the lights, this year's Tempo looks en pointe and will be well worth getting to.


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