The Artefact Project
The Artefact Project comprises three short plays that tell the story of the platonic relationship of Ruby and Richard over two decades; their past, their present and future.
A collaboration between Playwright and Director Melissa Fergusson and writer David Allnutt, The Artefact Project comprises three short plays that tell the story of the platonic relationship of Ruby and Richard over two decades; their past, their present and future, as they ‘divorced, lived, loved, explored, dreamed, mothered and fathered’, each in their own worlds.
The show was piloted last year at Letham Gallery to a sell-out audience and is back this year for a professional season. Fergusson says The Artefact Project is a conversation between two friends whose relationship remains platonic. “This gives them an ability to speak truth about themselves and their feelings without prejudice. It means that through them we can examine the complexities of friendship and ask the question: ‘how do we define boundaries between a man and a woman?"