The Supper Club

Drink like it's illegal at this 1920s Prohibition era-themed event.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on July 27, 2018


The year was 1920 and American "dry" crusaders had successfully won their hotly debated campaign to make alcohol illegal. For 13 long years the United States experienced an alcoholic drought known as the Prohibition era. The only way one could get their hands on the liquid was either through bootlegging or going to criminal syndicate-run clubs. New Zealanders luckily never had go through the same restrictions, the Kiwi prohibitionists' petition to Parliament in 1918 triggered a liquor referendum in 1919 which was narrowly lost by the prohibitionists thanks to special votes from overseas Kiwi troops.

Imperial Lane and Everybody's are paying homage to this special time in American history through the best way possible, having a drink. Well, lots of drinks.

The rules are simple. Dress up like it's the 1920s and head over to Everybody's, which will be decked out like a secret, Prohibition era-esque speakeasy and will be featuring jazz, burlesque, dancing, and a lot of non-bootlegged adult juice.

Tickets are either a) $90 per person including two drinks (wine and cocktail), canapés and a seated supper of suitably themed platters or b) $40 per person including a cocktail plus canapés.


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