The Watercooler: Metamorphosis

A poet, playwright and Power Rangers actress talk about the transformations in their lives.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on June 25, 2018


Every day the sun rises from an incrementally different position on the horizon. The temperature swells and drops as the year ticks along. Leaves change colour. Clouds stretch and contract throughout the day. Change is life's only consistent factor, although it mostly goes unnoticed.

The Watercooler, the Basement Theatre's monthly storytelling gathering is here this June to take on the topic of metamorphosis — of what it means "to have your life move through a new season, or simply to reflect on a season that's passed." Aptly, the session will be held on June 29, the start of Matariki, the Maori New Year.

Issue #39 will see British-born, New Zealand-raised Sri Lankan playwright Ahi Karunaharan, Samoan playwright and poet Zechariah Soakai and Power Rangers actress Jacque Drew talk about their own radical transformations. The session will be hosted by Donna Brookbanks, one of the founders and comedians of Snort.


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