Two Hearts: Auckland World Tour

A show that simultaneously serenades and eviscerates the pop music genre.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on November 24, 2017


Pop songs are the backbone of our best and worst nights, the musical sustenance that is both mass produced on (usually) quite a cookie cutter basis and yet feels memorable, the comfort blanket to our sore hearts and yet feels impersonal — it is the metaphorical 4am McDonalds run to our lives.

Homebred comedy genius Laura Daniels (known for her work on Funny Girls, Jono and Ben and 7 Days) and avid Chainsmokers evangelist and comedian Joseph Moore (also known for his work on those shows too) have decided to pay tribute to the bastion of our current music culture with the musical comedy, Two Hearts.

Two Hearts is a show that simultaneously serenades and eviscerates the 2017 pop music charts, with a pop parody production on par with the shows its ripping to shreds — including pretty legitimate live audio production, video work, dancers and a pretty convincing Taylor Swift sound-alike from Moore.


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