Television addicts are champing at the bit ahead of HBO releasing its newest creation to the world.
Settle in – or saddle up rather – for international TV show powerhouse HBO's newest series. Westworld launches Monday, October 3 on SoHo on SKY and streaming on Neon. Just quietly, it's one series that demands we sit up and pay attention.
Based on the '70s cult film of the same name, this sci-fi-western is Jonathon Nolan and J.J. Abrams' latest collaboration. Shifting between reality and a fantasy, Wild West-themed amusement park where guests can indulge their every desire, Westworld's creators and its stellar cast explore some highly topical themes. The plot unfolds from the point of view of the park's robotic "hosts", raising questions about artificial intelligence and just how intelligent we want this technology to become.
This series is an immersive and dark musing on human consciousness and the complexities of desire. Tempted? You should be.