Pay-As-You-Feel Restaurant Everybody Eats Has Put Down Permanent Roots in Onehunga

The restaurant operates almost exclusively on food diverted from landfills and is run predominantly by volunteers.
Ruby Romanos
Published on November 13, 2019

Each year over one trillion dollars worth of food goes to waste. At the same time, one billion people are going hungry. Studies show that one in six New Zealanders do not get enough to eat. In a time where sustainability, conscious consumerism and ethical practice is at the forefront of everyone's minds, in comes Everybody Eats.

Everybody Eats is an all-inclusive pay-as-you-feel dining concept. After a successful pop-up on Monday nights at St Kevin's Arcade on K' Road, Everybody Eats has put down permanent roots in Onehunga. The team's philosophy is to "feed bellies not bins," and to achieve this they have created a communal dining space feeding up to 150 people, five days a week.

Founder Nick Loosely raised over $120,000 via a crowd-funding campaign to launch the first permanent Everybody Eats site and combat both food waste and food poverty. The flagship restaurant can be found inside the newly opened ONE — Onehunga Neighbourhood Eatery & Thinkspace, which operates as a cafe from 6am–3pm.


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Everybody Eats is achieving so much more than just dishing up delicious meals on the daily. Their three-course meals prepared by talented chefs are of restaurant quality. They convert food that would normally go to landfill, donated by local businesses into works of art that feed the community, as well as bring people together. They ask that you donate as much as you can, or as much as you feel the meal is worth. No judgement given.

With the world food crisis at an all-time high, it is shocking to hear that a whopping one third of food produced globally does not get consumed. The majority of this waste goes directly to landfill, where it breaks down without oxygen. This food waste creates harmful gasses, which then contribute to global warming. Everybody Eats is instrumental in changing our approach to food, and combating those destructive behaviours. So how can we help?

With this new permanent Auckland establishment, there are many ways to get involved. Whether it's as an individual, or with a group of friends or colleagues Everybody Eats is always on the lookout for volunteers. Do you own a business, a farm or have food that is surplus to requirement? Get in touch with the team, they would love to hear from you. If you can't spare the time or you live too far away, a donation is always welcome. While some customers do pay, not all are able to. Just $10 will provide three meals to those in need.

Fill your belly and feel good while doing so. Head to Everybody Eats in Onehunga one night during the week. Or to the pop-up restaurant at Gemmayze Street on Karangahape Road on a Monday.

Find the Everybody Eats flagship restaurant at 306 Onehunga Mall. It's open Sunday to Thursday 6–8pm from Wednesday, 13 November.

Published on November 13, 2019 by Ruby Romanos
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