Travel & Leisure

Big Mews: You Can Now Do Cat Yoga in Auckland

The purrfect way to relax.
By Stephen Heard
March 12, 2017

Just as we fall back to earth from the news that beer yoga is on its way to Auckland, another mind-blowing fitness oddity has popped out of the woodwork. Cat yoga is exactly what it sounds like— the physical, mental and spiritual practise of yoga in the presence of real life bundles of fur.

There's something calming about hanging out with our feline friends, and that's exactly the kind of energy cat yoga intends to take advantage of. Imagine performing tree pose while a kitty slinks between your legs; it's the purrfect way to relax, and the optimal exercise regime for crazy cat ladies.

The technique has previously been implemented across the U.S. to spread word about pet adoption and animal shelters. This March and April it will pop-up in Auckland with the sole purpose of promoting cat cuddles. Two sessions are currently scheduled at dedicated cat café, The Cat Lounge— Wednesday 15 March and Wednesday 12 April from 10-11:30am. Each class will be led by two instructors from Birkenhead's Jayayoga— one demonstrating the poses and the other wandering around assisting with technique.

Spaces are strictly limited to eight people. Book your spot by emailing The $25 ticket price includes the lesson, a coffee and mandatory cat time.