Travel & Leisure

Soon You Could Be Drinking Out on a Few Public Beaches Again In Auckland

If you like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, you may just be in luck.
By Stephen Heard
June 03, 2015

Instead of having to hide that goon bag down their shorts, alcohol lovers of Auckland may soon be able to enjoy a tipple while loitering in more than 1,100 public locations across the city.

As the Herald on Sunday reports, at least 1,118 public spaces could have liquor bans revoked later this year. From November 1, 2015, liquor bans will only be reissued in areas notorious for alcohol-related crime and disorder, or where residents can justify a strong case for restrictions to remain.

The Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 came into effect on 18 December 2014 and aims to reduce alcohol related harm by controlling the consumption or possession of alcohol in public places. Some bans across the city are currently enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week and come with an on-the-spot fine of $250.

Auckland's 21 local boards are in the process of a statutory review of the bans. The review is part of 158 bylaws being reviewed since the coming together of the Auckland Super City.

The Eastern suburb of Howick stands to be most affected, with 194 liquor bans set to drop to 14 unless evidence of alcohol related harm and crime is supplied. Large public events currently under review include: Christmas in the Park, Pasifika Festival and Warkworth Kowhai Festival.

The public submission process will open between June 19 and July 17, 2015. Contact your local board for more information.