Sydney Festival 2013 is Revealed
The signature event of our city in summer, the Sydney Festival, has announced its massive 2013 program.
The Mumm Spring Carnival Bar Pops Up
A champagne pop-up just in time for the Spring Racing season.
The Best of Sydney Craft Beer Week
A week-long beer extravaganza for brewing aficionados, foodies and the curious alike.
Concrete Playground meets Culinary God Heinz Beck
Culinary god, chef Heinz Beck, is about to land in Sydney.
Food Truck Locator App Launches
Just then you thought your smartphone did everything, it now makes gourmet food on the go one step easier.
Ten Helpful Cooking Tips You May Not Know
Some unorthodox but incredibly helpful kitchen and cooking tips.
Steve Aoki and Flight Facilities Rock the You+1 Boat
Durex treated 400 lucky Facebookers to a series of floating DJ sets that showed those on board that boats, too, are more than capable of hitting turbulence.
Ten Scathing Reviews of Classic Books
Reviews really are a matter of taste. Here are ten books we now consider sacred, which - at the time of publication - received at least one scathing review.
The Ten Best Cooking Schools in Sydney
What better way to celebrate this festive vibe than with some new bona fide cooking skills?
Win Tickets to Searching for Sugar Man
Win tickets to see the incredible, heart-warming documentary about the mysterious disappearance of cult musician.
Perrier Cocktail Masterclass: The Roosevelt Fizz
Learn from The Roosevelt’s award-winning bartender, Philip Gandevia, in our cocktail-making masterclass.
Ten Weird but Wonderful Spas
Whether you use them for cleansing, decompressing or just some well-earned R 'n' R, spas have been a ubiquitous part of the tourism industry.
The Five Best Fast Lunch Spots in the Brisbane CBD
Concrete Playground has selected five delicious, ultra-convenient and reasonably priced places from five corners of the Brisbane CBD.
Concrete Playground meets Actor/Writer Ian Meadows and his Climate-Change Rom-Com
Meadows explores the funny and terrifying ways an uncertain future can affect Gen X and Y's family planning.
Win Tickets to See Killing Them Softly
Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta and Ben Mendelsohn show us just how complicated it is to be a crim in modern America.
The Five Best Spring Breakfasts in Brisbane
As they say, breakfast is the most important meal, so we have come up with Concrete Playground’s top five breakfast spots to put spring into your step.
Discover a Pop-Up Cellar Door in the City
A pop-up wine bar is about to hit the tail end of George Street.
Ten Images That Stopped The World
In the wake of the 11th anniversary of 9/11 here are ten more images that have stopped the world and ten stories that have shaped the course of history
How to Get Out of Your Internet Ghetto
Often we end up in a little media bubble, never challenged by new information or opinions. Unless we go looking for it.
The Five Best Italian Restaurants in Brisbane
Thanks to our culturally diverse city, Brisbane has many wonderful Italian restaurants to choose from. Here are Concrete Playground’s top picks.
Sydney’s Best Dinner & Drinks Dates
Concrete Playground's best dinner and drinks date combos in Sydney.
The Ten Best Spring Breakfast Joints in Sydney
The perfect was to add extra freshness to your spring mornings? A decent brekkie. Here's Concrete Playground's ten best spring breakfasts in Sydney.
Sydney’s Best Spring Cocktails
Flamboyantly fruity and devilishly alcoholic, these spring cocktails are some of Sydney's best.
The Five Best Restaurants to Visit During Brisbane Festival
On your Brisbane Festival adventures we know you will be looking for a delicious bite to eat, so we have come up with our top five places for you to eat during this wonderful month in Brisbane.
Downtown Drive-In Comes to Sydney
The classic drive-in movie theatre lands in central Sydney with a contemporary, creative and challenging twist.
Win Tickets to see On The Road
Win tickets to see Kristen Stewart, Sam Riley and Garrett Hedlund head up a stellar cast in the adaptation of cult novel On The Road.
Belvoir Lifts the Lid on 2013 Season
Adventures in Neverland and a seven-hour sitting feature at Belvoir in 2013.
Bird’s Eye View of TV Show Apartments
Artist Inaki Aliste Lizarralde has transformed her TV fixation into beautiful hand-drawn blueprints of some of television's most beloved apartments.
A Surprising Infographic of the Ten Smartest People Alive
And the nature versus nurture debate rages on.
The Ten Best Patisseries in Sydney
Bona fide sweet tooths rejoice. Here's Sydney ten best patisseries.
The Five Best Garden Eateries in Brisbane
With spring well and truly upon us, we at Concrete Playground thought it necessary to find the best garden cafes in Brisbane.
Sydney’s Best Ladies Lunch Spots
Get the girls together for a long-overdue luncheon at Sydney's best ladies' lunch spots.
Win Tickets to see Ruby Sparks
Win tickets to see Ruby Sparks, a cute fantasy-romance starring Paul Dano and real-life girlfriend Zoe Kazan.
Vertigo-Inducing Views From One World Trade Center
Tour Manhattan from the 103rd floor of 1 WTC.
Covert Cocktails: A Perrier Tea Break
Presenting Concrete Playground's first covert cocktail, brought to you from Wendy's Secret Garden.
Ten Helpful Hangover Cures
Rather than just waiting out the torture of the self-inflicted pain you have forced upon yourself, try some natural hangover cures...
Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton reveal final Sydney Theatre Company season together
An elegant and ambitious year of theatre awaits the company in 2013.
The Best Photos From Bilbao’s Annual ‘Ugly Face Contest’
Stuffing fingers into eye sockets proves an effective distraction from the Basque County's economic woes.