The Blackbox Mobile SMS Message Printer
A nifty little mobile printer that produces your text message conversations on paper.
Joey Andolina’s Mobile Vest Boombox
Arriving just in time for summer, this vest boombox allows you to show off your fashion prowess while blasting European hardstyle.
Create Your Own Personalised Soft Drink
Online users change the percentages of whatever ingredients they choose to go into the drink, and can further determine the drink's colour, name and label.
Bernardo Bajana’s Offensive Police Shield
Bad news for Occupy protesters: Bernado Bajana has created a new riot shield which does much more than just shield officers.
Fireworks by Day
A Chinese artist takes modern art to the sky with his daytime fireworks exhibition.
Blogger fined $2.5 Million for not Being a Journalist
An Oregon woman has been fined $2.5 million for defamatory comments made on her blog.
Behringer Unleashes a 350kg Speaker
If you're looking to host a NYE party, you might want to enlist the help of the iNuke Boom.
A Beer Cooler that Doubles as a ‘Photoblocker’
A product that will soon solve the first-world problems faced by many party animals.
Vending Machine for Welcome Home Signs
Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport Bannerxpress allows people to print welcome home signs from a vending machine at the airport.
Sydney: The Summer Guide
Welcome to the inaugural Concrete Playground Summer Guide, a comprehensive shortlist of the best this city has to offer over the next three months
Air Guitar T-Shirts You Can Actually Play
Old Navy have collaborated with ThinkGeek to create a shirt that not only features an image of a guitar, but also sounds like one.
The World’s First Functional Painting Typewriter
To the delight of fetishists of redundant technology, an American artist has created a typewriter that paints.
Facebook Updates Expanded to Over 60,000 Characters
Whilst Twitter likes to keep things short and sweet, Facebook has rocketed in the other direction.
Aaron Hobson’s Google Street View Photography
A photographer takes breathtaking landscape photographs of remote locations scattered across the globe, all without leaving the comfort of his own computer screen.
The Little Printer
Little Printer partners with Arup, foursquare, Google, the Guardian and Nike to produce itty bitty newspapers to slip into your back pocket and read on the go.
British Department Store Launches Virtual Pop-Up Stores
A great example of social media and technology changing the way in which companies are communicating with consumers.
The Spirit of Youth Awards Set to Grow in 2011/2012
With the competition's expansion into unprecedented categories, there are now more opportunities for Australia's finest creative minds to showcase their work to the world.
Facebook Shows Us It’s a Small World After All
As our online friend counts grow, a Facebook study shows us the old assumption of 6 degrees of separation is outdated.
Steve Jobs’ Emails Made into Book
Following the tragic death of Apple innovator Steve Jobs, a digital book containing his 'best' e-mails has been released.
Order Food on Your Smartphone Using QR Codes
Paperlinks, a savvy Los Angeles-based QR code company, are allowing customers to explore what's on offer at a restaurant via their smartphone.
4sqwifi iPhone App Finds WiFi Spots and their Passwords
The perfect app for those who seek some urgent urban bandwidth.
The Polaroid Camera, Reincarnated
The clever clogs at Polaroid have found a way to keep the camera alive without using the traditional film.
Augmented Reality App Encourages Peeping Toms
Moosejaw has created the X-Ray Catalog App which strips models of unsexy outdoor clothing to reveal what they are wearing underneath.
Turn Your Smartphone Into a Robot
Romo smartens up your already intelligent smartphone by turning it into a robot.
A Finnish Greenhouse Fit for Living
Gardening enthusiasts will be able to spend even more time with Mother Nature in this wonderful garden shed.
Turn Your iPhone into an Antique Typewriter
This new, limited edition app puts an antique typewriter in your pocket.
Charge Your Devices in Style
The OXO multicharger is like an executive penthouse for your devices.
Augmented Reality iPhone Game Orders Players to Run from Zombies
Run from zombies, rebuild civilisation and get fit at the same time.
Alpina Bike Spins your Vinyl Records as you Ride
Dutch designers have created a cycling/music machine that plays vinyl records as you ride at a consistent speed.
Steve Jobs’ Biographer Interviewed on 60 Minutes
Walter Isaacson shares the story behind the story.
Ikea App Uses Facebook to Personalise Your Bedroom
Ikea attempt to sell you their durable and inexpensive Swedish wares by aligning them precisely with your personality, lifestyle and tastes.
U-Boat Worx Offers Submarine Charters for Tourists
These 'personal submarines for yacht and tourism' are for those people who are desirous of exploring the depths of the ocean but who suffer the misfortune of not being Richard Branson.
A Portable Hanging Herb Garden for Inner-City Dwellers
The dream of any inner-city or spatially-challenged dweller with a green thumb, finely tuned tastebuds and no backyard.
Adidas Unveils Super Intelligent Football Boot
Sporting giant Adidas has outdone itself with the adiZero f50 miCoach, a new soccer boot that boasts state-of-the-art technology.
Hipstamatic’s Digital Disposable Camera for your iPhone
In a bid to regain their popularity and get one up on Instagram, Hipstamatic is offering a new dimension to their faux-analogue photography experience.
Google Ventures Into the Physical Realm
Once upon a time, Google was content to rule cyber space. But like most super powers in history, the superpower is getting restless.
Steve Jobs: The Movie
They say sex sells, but according to Sony Pictures, death is where the real money’s at.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Start to Spread Around the World
How the American Dream has turned into a nightmare for a large proportion of U.S. citizens.
Untappd App Combines Social Networking and Beer
The perfect excuse to drink more beer and check your iPhone.
Message in a Bottle: The Unusual Social Network
Harold Hackett has been sending messages all over the world, but unlike most of us he hasn’t been using a phone or a computer.