Sydney's Controversial Hangover Clinic Is Coming to Melbourne

Just in time for your work Christmas party.
Libby Curran
Published on November 23, 2016

If the memory of last weekend's hangover(s) is still fresh in your mind, it's probably safe to say the experience was somewhat brutal. We've all been there — the throbbing skull, the queasy guts, the wild proclamations about never touching another drop of vodka, ever.

Well, soon enough, us Southerners will be able to put an end to the horror in 30 minutes, courtesy of's new Melbourne pop-up. The controversial Sydney-born venture specialises in intravenous hangover cures, whereby patients can hook up to an IV for a dose of vitamins and fluids, helping them to speedily quash the aftermath of last night's partying.

Now, due to high demand, the company's set to launch summer pop-up clinics in other states. Seems you'd best start saving your pennies, though – the treatment might do wonders for the old noggin, but with packages starting at $135, there's little hope for your bank account's hangover.

This is the same crew that opened Australia's first hangover clinic in Surry Hills, in December last year. Right now, it's also the only one, with sole competitor forced to shut up shop in February, after one of its clients wound up hospitalised. has distanced itself from other players, confirming all of its treatments are given by docs that are fully qualified, licensed, insured, and registered on the Register of Medical Practitioners. Appointments will be open soon.

Published on November 23, 2016 by Libby Curran
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