Auckland Council Is Closing Public Libraries, Pools and Recreational Centres

In line with the Government's ban of gatherings of more than 100 people.
Stephen Heard
Published on March 20, 2020

Auckland's libraries, pools and recreational centres, as well as the Maritime Museum and Art Gallery, will close for two weeks from today in line with Government recommendations to constrain the spread of COVID-19. Earlier in the week Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced gatherings and events of 500 or more people outside should be cancelled. Now, that advice includes gatherings of more than 100 people indoors.

Auckland Council made the decision to close community services in response and in an effort to limit large crowd interactions where the chance of virus spread is high. Libraries across Auckland receive over 250,000 visits a week, while there are 200,000 visits a week to swimming pools and leisure centres.

The closure will be for a period of two weeks initially, extended as required depending on the evolving situation with COVID-19 and the advice of Government. On a positive note, Mayor Phil Goff said there will be no fines on overdue library items while the closures are in place.

For the latest information regarding cancellations and closures, visit

To find out more about the status of COVID-19 in New Zealand and how to protect yourself, head to the Ministry of Health's website.

Published on March 20, 2020 by Stephen Heard
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