A Replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Is Coming to Auckland

To be, that is the answer.
Stephen Heard
Published on October 07, 2015

A full scale, working replica of the second Globe Theatre is scheduled to be built downtown Auckland next February. Originally revealed in April via a foiled Kickstarter campaign, further details of the reconstruction and its location hath finally been unmasked.

Over ten weeks the Bard’s Yard will be nestled in Auckland’s cultural epicentre, Aotea Quarter, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. The three-storey building will seat 900 people via three tiers of seating, and will offer a full programme of performances as well as an education and outreach package.

Taking place over multiple sessions during the night and day, seven nights a week, will be commissioned performances of legendary Shakespearian tragedy Romeo & Juliet and comedy Twelfth Night. There has also been further speculation around the world premiere performance of Maori Midsummer Night’s Dream, a specially translated version of the Shakespeare classic.


The structure will be identical to the Globe Theatre built on London’s South Bank in 1614. The donut-shaped polygonal building will be made from honest, simple reusable materials – scaffolding, plywood, paint. Designed to create a remarkable theatre experience, every seating (or standing) option will be within 15m of the action on stage. After its appearance in Auckland, the theatre will tour the world.

For more information see the Pop-up Globe website.

Published on October 07, 2015 by Stephen Heard
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