Some Kiwi Creatives Have Launched a Pro-Voting Campaign on Behalf of The World

A timely reminder the world is watching.
Stephen Heard
Published on October 17, 2016

Watching Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump go head-to-head in the Presidential Race from afar is both comforting to realise that we live in a generally sane nation, and at the same time absolutely frickin' terrifying. Fact has it that whoever becomes the 45th President of the United States of America will become the most powerful person in the world and will have some impact on our lives. When it boils down, the rest of us around the globe don't get a say on who becomes the next President. Just America.

38.2% of eligible American voters didn't vote in the 2012 election. To help motivate the non-voters, a collection of London-based advertising creatives have launched an ambitious crowd-funding campaign to raise money to buy a TV ad in America on behalf of the world.

The collective has a goal of raising £8,000 to pay for 30 ads running in off-peak time in the state of Nevada, where 42.8% of voters didn't vote in the 2012 election. The message will be completely free from political bias and just serve as a simple reminder that on the 8th of November they should head out and vote. The hope is this "will serve as a timely reminder the world is watching."

The campaign can be found at 

Published on October 17, 2016 by Stephen Heard
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