Women's Marches Draw Massive Crowds Around the Globe

Hundreds of thousands of people turned out worldwide.
Sarah Ward
Published on January 22, 2017

It happened. Change has swept into the highest office in the United States. With it, crowds both in America and around the globe have come out in force — against newly inaugurated President Donald Trump and his highly publicised comments against women, and for equality in general.

There's no shortage of reasons driving the protests, thanks to the new POTUS and his administration's stance on race, class, gender, healthcare, civil rights, queer rights, reproductive rights, immigration, education, conflicts of interest... the list goes on. There's also no shortage of folks heading out to voice their concern.

The Women's March started as an event planned for January 21 in Washington, D.C. the day after Trump's swearing-in ceremony in the US capital, then quickly swelled to become a massive movement drawing hundreds thousands of people worldwide. Marches have taken place everywhere from London to Nairobi, Toronto to Tel Aviv, and Oslo to Antarctica, plus Park City, Utah, where the Sundance Film Festival is currently underway. In Sydney, a crowd of approximately 5000 people took to the streets to march in solidarity, continuing unfazed when skywriting emblazoned the US President's name above them.

With such a massive outcry comes a massive onslaught of passion and creativity, including a sea of placards getting the point across in an engaging fashion. Don't just take our word for it — the array of pictures snapped around the world do all of the talking.




For more information about the Women's March, visit their website.

Published on January 22, 2017 by Sarah Ward
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