The Department Store Introduces A Creative Workspace, Now You Will Probably Never Leave

One store to rule them all.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on June 17, 2016

As if The Department Store wasn't already a fix for all your needs - shoes, candles, coffees, jackets, pedicures, you name it - they've gone and announced they're opening a creative workspace this July.

Joining forces with ColabNZ, the Auckland-based shared space mini-empire which already has branches on Ponsonby Road, Queen Street and Kitchen Street, The Department Store's creative workspace will cater to freelancers whose needs vary on a month-to-month basis. Included in the space will be custom-built individual work stations, two board rooms, and a cafe. The space will take up the Store's entire second floor.

The Department Store co-founder Karen Walker sees it as a natural progression, "The Department Store has always been about ideas. We built the store on a foundation of always working with people who get it, and the ColabNZ team are our kind of people.  The store has always stood for the best in fashion, art, food and beauty, and now we also stand for creative thinking."

Shared office spaces and collaborative networks have been on the up and up with other companies such as collaborative space hosts Bizdojo expanding to Wellington recently and the for-good collaborative network Enspiral steadily growing in membership as well.

Dedicated hot desks at ColabNZ are from $400 per month, while office suites go from $800 per month.

Published on June 17, 2016 by Laetitia Laubscher
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