Americans Have Created Apps to 'Trade' Votes Online to Keep Trump Out of the White House

For Republicans who are #NeverTrump.
Tom Clift
Published on November 09, 2016

Americans afraid of a Donald Trump presidency are using websites and apps in order to trade votes with people in other states, in an effort to keep the Republican candidate out of the White House. Websites like Trump Traders are aimed at Republicans in so-called swing states, such as Florida and North Carolina, who are opposed to Donald Trump but don't wish to vote directly for Hillary Clinton, so intend to vote for a third party candidate instead.

"We get it. Secretary Clinton is not your favourite," explains the website. "But at this point she is the only one standing between Trump and the White House. If you are #NeverTrump but want to support Gary Johnson or another third party candidate in a swing state, don't do it. You may toss the election to Trump. Instead, find a friend in a state that's safely blue or red — they'll vote for your third party candidate in exchange for your vote for Clinton."

According to Trump Traders co-founder John Stubbs, more than 15,000 people had enrolled to swap their votes on the site. Apps such as NeverTrump functions in a similar fashion, allowing voters in swing states to swap votes with those in states that are considered safe.

Vote trading is perfectly legal, although it does rely on the honour system — that is, you have to trust that the random stranger that you're trading votes with will actually vote for who they say they will.

Via ABC.

Published on November 09, 2016 by Tom Clift
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