Meet America's Adorable New Self-Driving Bus

Can we have one? Pleeeaaase?
Tom Clift
Published on June 19, 2016

Public transport could be about to get a whole lot more delightful thanks to pioneering auto company Local Motors. After last year unveiling the world's first fully functioning 3D-printed car, the US-based startup has continued to innovate, and this week introduced the world to a self-driving bus named Olli. Rolling out across Washington D.C., the electric shuttle can transport up to 12 passengers at one time, and is capable of travelling at speeds of around 20km/h.

Also, it's ridiculously cute.


The autonomous, 3D-printed vehicles can be summoned by D.C. commuters using a mobile app. Moreover, thanks to IBM's AI Watson technology, they're also capable of understanding voice commands. So basically it's like Uber, except your driver is a computer. If your first thought after reading that sentence was to freak out over an inevitable Terminator-style robot uprising, don't worry. Although Olli drives itself – and is capable of making decisions much faster than human drivers – all vehicles are monitored by real people at all times. Y'know, just in case.

Assuming things go well in Washington, Local Motors are hoping to bring fleets to Las Vegas and Miami by the end of the year. They've also outlined a number of other potential uses for Olli...which you can hear about, below.

Via Quartz.

Published on June 19, 2016 by Tom Clift
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