Store Your Keys in the Cloud with ‘KeyMe’

This technology will be a saving grace for the almost 90 million forgetful folks who get locked out of their homes each year.

Sophie Donovan
Published on August 14, 2013

If you’re the forgetful type and your keys often go rogue then this new technology may be the solution for you. KeyMe is a cloud-based key management platform where you can now store your keys digitally so you no longer need a physical key in order to make a copy.

KeyMe’s newly launched free mobile app which scans a copy of your key and generates a set of instructions that you can give to any locksmith to create a new key from scratch instead of bringing in a physical key to make the copy, very handy when you’ve misplaced the original.

KeyMe can even mail you a key within two to three weeks if you’re not in a rush. The app also allows you to share your digital keys and create digital key chains to share with flatmates or overnight guests, but be wary of you who trust with your digital keys, once shared you can’t revoke them.

Currently only available in the USA, this technology will be a saving grace for the almost 90 million forgetful folks who get locked out of their homes each year. Now just makes sure you don’t lose your mobile phone with your keys.

[via mashable]

Published on August 14, 2013 by Sophie Donovan
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