An Intrepid Guide to the World
This glorious world of ours is filled with adventures waiting to be taken. Venture into rainforests, hike over glaciers and camp by candlelight. If it's true that travel is the only thing that you buy that makes you richer, then these experiences are worth their weight in gold.
For most of us, the desire to travel is so strong, you could almost believe it’s part of our genetic makeup. There’s just something so appealing about throwing in all responsibility for a few weeks or months (or years) and heading off to some far-flung part of the globe. And if you’re going to spend your hard-earned dollars, you’ll want experiences worth remembering.
In partnership with Intrepid Travel, we’ve uncovered some of the best adventures that’ll have you wanting to submit a leave request on the spot. Choose to avoid the well-worn tourist hot spots, and opt for the road less travelled. Wherever you end up, you’re guaranteed an authentic experience and deep dive into local culture — uncovering hidden gems, interacting with locals and digging into a myriad of culinary delights. Here’s to making priceless memories and surely a few new mates along the way.
While planning your next trip overseas, consider doing something a little off-centre and away from the beaten track on a tour with Intrepid Travel.