News Food & Drink

Someone Has Finally Discovered Hangover-Free Alcohol

Say goodbye to feeling seedy.
Sarah Ward
September 25, 2016


Enjoying a few beverages but avoiding a hangover is everyone's dream; however soon, it might be more than that. As far as booze alternatives go, a synthetic alcohol dubbed "alcosynth" (what else?) could just be the holy grail, offering drinkers the same happy, sociable sensations but without the morning-after consequences.

It's little wonder that British professor and researcher David Nutt, who discovered the new substance, is testing two versions for widespread use. He's claiming that his hangover-free drink could replace normal alcohol by 2050, making seedy weekends a distant memory. Say goodbye to feeling like garbage after a big Friday night.

Nutt and his team studied substances that have a similar effect on the brain, then designed their own non-toxic, highly secret formula that mimics the positive aspects of being drunk — aka that warm, chatty feeling everyone's seeking after a busy week. In doing so, they've avoided any impact upon parts of the brain that are negatively influenced by booze.

It all sounds pretty great, though it does also seem a little too good to be true. Time will tell if hangovers really will go the way of landlines, flip phones and other long-gone remnants of the past, but until then we'll live in hope.

Via Travel and Leisure.