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A Massive New Surf Park Is Set to Make Waves in Regional Australia

It's slated to be up and running by August, and boasts Aussie surfers Mark Occhilupo and Barton Lynch as its ambassadors.
Sarah Ward
July 07, 2018


For a country that's girt by sea, as our anthem reminds us, Australia has become rather obsessed with waves of the man-made kind of late. The Sunshine Coast was supposed to be getting a wave pool that hasn't yet come to fruition, work on URBNSURF's 2.1-hectare space near the Melbourne airport has already begun — targeting an April 2019 opening — and a 3.2-hectare Sydney spot was approved late last year. Indeed, 'who needs real beaches?' seems to be the current line of thinking.

If a regional Queensland surf park that's set to become operational this year proves a success, we could all living out at Point Break dreams at more places — called Surf Lakes, it's actually a prototype facility designed to give a new kind of technology a whirl. Located near Yeppoon on the Capricorn Coast, the park is built around a central mechanism that sends waves from the middle of the 200-metre by 150-metre lake towards the edge. With the water lapping over eight distinctive breaks, it'll produce 2400 surfable waves per hour.

Surf Lakes also has some high-profile support, with Aussie surfers Mark Occhilupo and Barton Lynch the park's two ambassadors. More than just lending his encouragement to the project, Occy is lending a hand on an attraction called Occy's Peak, The Morning Bulletin reports. It's a barrelling break that'll range up to 2.4 metres high — the park record — and span across 60 metres.

The full-scale demo site is currently to slated to be up-and-running around August, according to Stab Magazine; however don't go booking a trip to central Queensland just yet. At present, it'll be run as a test facility for media and folks who might be interested in licensing the idea for other parks, although there are plans to open to the public at a later date.