News Arts & Entertainment

This Is Not Art Festival Saved

This Is Not Art is the dream that keeps us trudging through winter each year. Except that, for a moment there, it looked like this year's festival wouldn't happen.

Trish Roberts
July 24, 2011


This Is Not Art is the dream that keeps us trudging through winter each year, looking towards that October long weekend when Newcastle transforms into some wild, uncontrollable and utterly miscellaneous beast of the arts. Except that, for a moment there, it looked like this year's festival wouldn't happen.

In early July, with less than three months left until the festival, TINA were notified by Newcastle City Council that their triennial funding had been canned. This meant an $18 000 deficit in the budget: a nightmare for any small arts organisation. The event, which annually offers over two hundred and fifty free events, featuring the work of more than four hundred Australian artists, and typically attracting over five thousand participants, was in serious doubt.

Thanks to an assertive campaign by Festival Coordinator Eliza Adam, this week TINA have confirmed that the show is back on the road. Phew! Incredibly, supporters of TINA raised a huge $8 750 over only two weeks. What's more, the Copyright Agency Limited jumped on board to offer a huge $9 000 and a Newcastle-based web company, Izilla Web Solutions, pledged $2 000. In the wake of popular outrage, Newcastle Council flipped to offer TINA increased financial support, plus additional provisions for planning and assistance into the future.

This year's festival is once again looking good. Keen to see TINA be all it can be? You can still help! Donations are being accepted at TINA's Pozible site until 7 August - and let's face it, it's a small fee to pay for an amazing, five day festival that's already free. TINA is also heavily reliant on volunteers, and there's a huge range of things to be done which you can check out here.