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This New Pet Photography Studio Captures Pets at Their Most Gorgeous and Goofiest

Meet Frog Dog Studios.
Imogen Baker
May 12, 2017


If you've ever tried to con your pet into sitting still for a even a second so you can take their picture, you'll be delighted to learn about Frog Dog Studios. Melbourne's newest photography studio just opened in Yarraville, and focuses solely on taking cute, elegant and charismatic portraits of pups and cats.

Belinda Richards is the woman behind the camera and she's the perfect candidate to snap pooches. She's been working with animals for 16 years and as a photographer for seven. After working as a groomer, trainer, animal ambulance driver, in animal welfare and animal management, Belinda decided to enrol in a diploma of photo imaging and eventually went on to complete a Bachelor of Fine Art at RMIT. From there, it was a natural progression to bring her two loves together and open Frog Dog Studios.

Richards admits to the vice shared by most iPhone-wielding pet owners: Instagramming the ever living crap out of her fur babies. Her French bulldog Smooshie is actually the inspiration behind the brand (Frenchies like to sit like little frogs, naw), and her cats Marley and Nala feature on the website. Her studio is perfect for new-age pet owners who treat their animals like members of the family, and want a non-cheesy photoshoot to prove it.

The pet portrait experience at Frog Dog Studio is quite involved — there's no half-assing it here. The team book a consultation and get to know you and your pets before organising the shoot.

"One of the most common concerns we get from customers is that their dog won't sit still long enough, to which we reply: good — the more movement the better!" says Belinda. "This is definitely an exercise in patience, but it's so worth it. Our favourites are the ones who just want to play and catch. We get the funniest photos from those guys."

The team uses high-speed photography techniques to capture the undeniably adorable moments. You'll then have another appointment to pick a showreel and decide which shots to blow up and print on many and various homewares (matching puppy pillowcase set, anyone?). They offer a set of all-inclusive packages, just in case if you're not sure how to display their glamour shots.

"People are prepared to spoil their dogs, not only because it brings the pets joy but because it brings us as pet owners so much joy," Belinda says. And that extends to the rest of us who can cruise their Instagram for A+ doggo content.

Frog Dog Studios is located at 80 Anderson Street, Yarraville. For more info or to book an appointment, visit their Facebook page