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Win Tickets to The Sound of Waves at fortyfivedownstairs

The sea is no place for a human girl, even one who's a little more fish-like than normal.

Jessica Surman
September 25, 2014


Shelly is a normal girl. Normal enough, that is, until she finds herself starting to become more and more fish-like every day. Staying true to her piscine transformation, she takes refuge in the sea, alone. But the sea is no place for a human girl — even a scaly, gilled amphibian-type one who's taken a liking to blowing bubbles.

The Sound of Waves is a fictionalised account of performer Jodie Harris' true story of losing her hearing and getting a cochlear implant. Written bespoke for her to perform solo by Gareth Ellis, the production is a whimsical, affirming tale six years in the making. Harris, a deaf actor, admits she was worried about performing it. But the oh-so-precious, encouraging words of the Weedy Seahorse — one of her multitudinous characters in the play — got her through that: "I can do this, and that — check it out! I can do this."

The Sound of Waves plays at fortyfivedownstairs from October 3-12, and tickets are $30 each ($25 concession). We have two double passes to give away to the performance on Sunday, October 5, at 5pm. To be in the running, subscribe to the Concrete Playground newsletter (if you haven't already), then email with your name and address.