News Film & TV

The New App That Stops Breaking Bad Spoilers

Behind on Breaking Bad eps? Now you can check your news feed without fear.

Mairead Armstrong
September 25, 2013


If you're one of millions of people worldwide watching American TV series Breaking Bad religiously and needing to avoid spoilers — or perhaps you're just sick of hearing friends rave about the show on social media — then your (#firstworld) problems can now be put to ease. Popular internet streaming website Netflix has debuted a new app that can block Breaking Bad spoilers from social media feeds.

Spoiler Foiler is programmed to black out "danger" words (namely, words related to plot) from your Twitter feed, maintaining the mystery and suspense of plot developments for the wildly popular television series. Once fans have caught up with the episode, they can then safely return to their regular feed with the ability to read everything people had to say.

Sure, this isn’t the first solution we’ve seen to the issue of social media killjoys. But at the moment it is certainly the most effective. Browser/hashtag-filtering is time consuming and not always foolproof. And abstinence from social media? Well that's just way too extreme.

The Netflix app can be easily activated by logging into the Spoiler Foiler website using your Twitter account.

Surely it'll just be a matter of time before this concept is extended to other popular series. Until then, rant away! We just won’t be listening.