Win a Double Pass to the Sydney Film Festival

Uncover genius approaches, dissect the masters' processes or simply enjoy an engaging film.

Julian Larnach
Published on May 19, 2011

When staring at a new page, a blank screen or an empty plate, what inspires us to take that first step into the unknown? Is it the wish to emulate the greats or is it a wish to add to the canon or is it simply a matter of sustenance? The Greeks gave a name to the thing that pushes you into the dark. It was the muse, an elusive source of creation that was part divination, part nature but was the driving power behind mankind's greatest creations. Modern day muses take many forms and the Sydney Film Festival is looking to explore six of them.

Creative Drive is a collection of six movies designed to engage and produced to inspire - with some of the movie industry's biggest names going back to their roots to discover what inspired those who have inspired them. In A Letter to Elia, Martin Scorsese looks at the director behind On The Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire, controversial Hollywood filmmaker Elia Kazan. The documentary, El Bulli: Cooking In Progress goes behind the scenes of El Bulli, the Spanish restaurant which is the most exclusive and the best in the world. The Mill and the Cross exmaines Pieter Bruegel's 1564 masterpiece, The Procession to Calvary, and some of the stories behind it - the SFF points out that it may be the closest a feature film has ever come to being a painting.

How to enter

If you wish to uncover genius approaches, dissect the masters' processes or simply enjoy an engaging film, Concrete Playground has a double pass to each of the 6 films. To go in the running, simply subscribe to our newsletter and tell us which one of the six films you'd like to see by email at Entries close on Wednesday, June 25 at 5pm.

Published on May 19, 2011 by Julian Larnach
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