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Win Tickets to Take This Waltz

It's a heartwarming and complex production, which is a must-see for romantics and cynics alike.

Greta Mayr
June 12, 2012


Writer-director Sarah Polley's follow-up to the much-loved drama Away From Her, Take This Waltz follows the story of a freelance writer Margot (Michelle Williams) as she meets a rickshaw driver from Toronto, Daniel (Luke Kirby). Margot shares with him an uncontrollable sexual chemistry, and when they realise they live just across the street from each other, the bombshell is dropped: Margot is happily married to sweetheart husband Lou (Seth Rogen), a gentle and caring cookbook writer.

Margot finds herself in a complex and conflicting situation, not knowing whether her comfortable routine with her husband, whom she still loves, is enough in the face of the fiery desire of her alluring neighbour. She finds herself frequently trying to bump into the young man and testing the limits of her resolve by having late night pool dips and sipping margaritas with him, yet not actually acting on the attraction.

Far from being a shallow display of trivial conflicting desires, the movie poignantly illustrates the internal dilemma of whether familiarity and comfort will suffice when they come up against the temptation of exotic sex, romance and art. Williams gives a heartwarming and evocative performance, making audiences sympathise and identify with her plight. Similarly moving displays from Rogen and Kirby work to make this film a heartwarming and complex production, which is a must-see for romantics and cynics alike.

Concrete Playground has five double passes to giveaway. To go in the running to win tickets to Take This Waltz, make sure you're subscribed to Concrete Playground then email your name and postal address to us at