Tony- and Grammy-Winning Musical 'Hadestown' Will Make Its Australian Premiere in Sydney in 2025 

The hit production, which hit Broadway in 2019, gives the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice a new spin featuring jazz and American folk tunes.
Sarah Ward
Published on June 06, 2024

The underworld beckons: in 2025, hit musical Hadestown is set to take to the stage for the first time in Australia. Initially premiering as an indie theatre piece in 2006 in Vermont, then reaching off-Broadway in 2016 and Broadway in 2019, the show from musician and playwright Anaïs Mitchell plunges into the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice. Audiences at Theatre Royal Sydney will be able to see the production give the ancient Greek myth a new spin from February.

The Harbour City will host the Aussie debut season of the musical that spent 2019 and 2020 collecting accolades after accolades. From 14 Tony nominations, it won eight awards, including Best Musical and Best Original Score. At the Grammys, it took home Best Musical Theatre Album.

If you're new to the show – which has been seen by more than three-million people and streamed over 350-million times — two love stories get Hadestown's narrative burning. Orpheus and Eurydice share the spotlight with King Hades and Persephone, as Mitchell accompanies their intertwined affairs with a soundtrack of New Orleans-inspired jazz and American folk.

Aussie audiences have Opera Australia and JONES Theatrical Group to thank for Hadestown making its way Down Under. "I'm absolutely thrilled that we're able to bring this incredible new musical to Australia for the first time, and I'm sure it will be as adored here has it has been overseas, finding a whole new legion of fans," said Opera Australia's Artistic Director Jo Davies.

"Creator and writer Anaïs Mitchell is just such an amazing talent, I'm very much looking forward to working with her and her team to realise this production here," Davies continued.

"Hadestown is one Broadway musical experience you remember forever. It is magical, bold, exciting, and full of love and promise," added JONES Theatrical Group's Suzanne Jones.

"It transports the audience in a way that only great theatre can. JONES Theatrical Group is extremely excited to be bringing this incredible production to Australia with Opera Australia and can't wait for Australians to embrace it just as audiences all over the world have."

Just like exact dates for the musical's inaugural Down Under run, there's no casting announcements for the show as yet, with open-call auditions happening in June — on Saturday, June 15 in Sydney and Sunday, June 16 in Melbourne.

There's also no word as yet whether Hadestown will make a trip to any other Australian cities. Accordingly, if you're excited about descending into the local production, you might have a visit to Sydney in your future.

Hadestown will open at Theatre Royal Sydney, 108 King Street, Sydney, from February 2025 — head to the musical's website for further details and to join the ticket waitlist.

Images: Hadestown Original London Cast.

Published on June 06, 2024 by Sarah Ward
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