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Win Tickets to Harley Davidson’s Exclusive Kingswood Gig at Kustom Kommune

Chest hair growth desirable, but not compulsory.

Jessica Surman
October 09, 2014


There's something about Kingswood's undeniably raw and blokey brand of indie rock that just makes you want to grow some hair on your chest and spend an afternoon in your shed, lovingly (in a manly way) toiling over your custom Harley. That's almost what this event is about. (Disclaimer: no bike included.)

Presented by Harley Davidson's community customisation platform The Shed, this is an intimate, invite-only chance to catch the Melbourne four-piece. Kingswood have had a pretty decent year so far, cementing their ones-to-watch status with continued high-rotation Triple J play, an appearance at Splendour and the release of their debut album Microscopic Wars, which they recorded in Nashville, Tennessee.

The band — who have a serious and somewhat surprising thing for First Aid Kit covers — are on an extensive national tour at the moment, but with only 40 tickets available, and only to competition winners, this gig is something special.

Thanks to Harley Davidson and The Shed, we have two double passes to give away to see Kingswood at Kustom Kommune in Collingwood on October 12 at 8.30pm. To be in the running, subscribe to the Concrete Playground newsletter (if you haven't already), then email with your name and address.