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    Wake Up and Smell the Books at MoMA

    Pick up your favourite old classic or buy something new, curl up wherever you are with a cup of coffee, and nuzzle your nose between the pages.

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    Surreal Images Caused by Google Earth Glitches

    These dream-like pictures look as though they could be from the set of Inception, but they're actually screenshots from Google Earth

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    You’re the Spitting Image of Your Former Self

    Have you looked at your childhood photos lately?

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    Participate in a Global Art Project and Help Turn The World Inside Out

    Semi-anonymous street artist JR has won the 2011 TED Award and is appealing to you, the public, to help him turn the world inside out.

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    Corinne Vionnet’s Photo Opportunities Capture the Tourist Experience

    Thousand's of observations from the tourist paparazzi come together in single, haunting images.

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    Artsicle: An Original Artwork Rental Scheme

    A new scheme running in New York let's you road test your art before you make a lifetime's commitment to it.

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    Japanese Illustrator Exposes the Composition of Mammals

    When you peel back the skin of any animal you find a world or spiderweb nerves and strangely fragile skeletons.

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    New Book Puts Palestinian Street Art Against The Wall

    New photographs from the Palestinian territories highlight the suffering, the lives torn apart by relentless fighting, and appeal to a hope for a brighter day.

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    Feast Your Eyes: Ryan Matthew Smith’s Food Photography

    High tech photography to match high tech cuisine.

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