If the City of Melbourne has anything to say about it, post-lockdown life in the Victorian capital involves spending plenty of time roaming the CBD streets. Dining is taking over roadways, a citywide scavenger hunt is happening up until Christmas, pop-up food precincts are hitting town for New Year's Eve and a heap of laneways are getting an arty revamp, for starters. Over the next two weeks, too, some familiar faces are breaking out their instruments in some of Melbourne's most popular locations. As part of a collaboration between the City of Melbourne, the Victorian Government and Mushroom Group, a number of high-profile musicians are hitting the streets for a series of pop-up performances at busy dining spots. The twist: every show is a surprise. So, next time that you walk past a busker on your way to have a meal, you might want to check if it's someone that you recognise. The pop-ups are happening in conjunction with Melbourne Music Week Extended, which is currently in full swing until the end of February, as well as the Melbourne Christmas Festival and the ANZ City Vibes program. The latter supports 40 buskers a day to break out some tunes, doing so at 20 CBD locations until the end of the year. Already, Daryl Braithwaite has belted out a few songs, popping up in Degraves Street on Thursday, December 10, while Gordi also hit the inner-city streets on Friday, December 11. [caption id="attachment_794543" align="aligncenter" width="1920"] City of Melbourne[/caption] For more information about Melbourne's pop-up performances, which are set to take place up until Christmas Eve, check out the official announcement.