News Culture

Price of Chocolate: One Good Deed

A Danish chocolatier seeks to generate generosity with his pop-up chocolate shop.

Anya Krenicki
April 11, 2012


No need to dig for pocket change at this chocolate shop. All you need to surrender is a little piece of your generosity. Danish chocolatier Anthon Berg created his one-day pop-up sweet shop 'Generous Store' because he believes that "there is not enough generosity in people's lives".

Adorned with numberless 'price tags' that specified good deeds, the store's chocolate boxes could be taken home for the cost of a promise. Shoppers had to promise to complete the good deed, sanctifying their pledge by sharing it on Facebook via the store's iPad. If they failed to hold up their end of the bargain, their Facebook friends would be aware to hold them accountable.

Chocolates were exchanged for the promise to serve a loved one breakfast in bed, to speak nicely to one's mother, and to complete a variety of other deeds, proving that chocolates aren't the only thing that makes life sweet.

[via GOOD]