News Fashion

Fashion Shoots, the Tilda Swinton Way

Even with centipedes on her face, she's gorgeous.

Sarah Anolik
April 24, 2013


With Tilda Swinton as the model, W magazine was sure to have a wild spread for their May issue. But this is probably Tilda's most striking photo shoot yet.

The cover story, rightfully titled 'Stranger Than Paradise' is strangely insane (and totally surreal). The series of photos actually pays tribute to some of Swinton's favourite artists. The 52-year-old star of We Need to Talk About Kevin and glass boxes poses with everything from glamorous Chanel and Givenchy clothing to centipedes — yes, you read right, centipedes. And you know what? Even with centipede face, she's gorgeous.

Check out some photos from the series below.