Federation Square Is Set to Receive a $20 Million Makeover
It'll gain a new Regional Experience Centre, which'll highlight and showcase the state's food, wine, music and culture.
For some, it's an essential meeting place. For others, it's just a patch of concrete in the middle of the city. Whatever your thoughts on Federation Square, the Melbourne site has weathered a tumultuous few years. After being named as the location for Apple's first global flagship store in the southern hemisphere back in 2017, those plans received considerable council and public backlash — including a campaign to buy the space back — before being canned. Along the way, Fed Square received temporary and then permanent heritage protection, and the Victorian Government also asked Melburnians just what should be in the site's future.
Now, the sprawling spot has been earmarked for a facelift, with a $20 million makeover on the agenda. As revealed in a statement on Saturday, August 22, the government has committed to giving Fed Square its biggest upgrade in its history — which, among other new additions, will see the site become home to a Regional Experience Centre, highlighting and showcasing the state's food, wine, music and culture.
Also part of the revamp: new lighting designed to improve safety, as well as highlight Fed Square's famous architecture; and upgrades to the Deakin Edge theatre and some of the public venue's other spaces, to help them better support events. The makeover will also see improvements made to signage, and to making Fed Square more accessible.

Federation Square, Visit Victoria, Robert Blackburn
The government also revealed the findings from its Federation Square Review, too, which received more than 1800 contributions. While the City of Melbourne's proposal to build a new public library at Fed Square, as submitted earlier this year, doesn't earn a mention, the review recommended a number of outcomes — which have been accepted by the government, who'll now work to implement them.
Topping its list is ensuring greater recognition and celebration of First Peoples culture, and of Indigenous Australians' continuing connection to the site, in the space. The review also notes that Fed Square should focus on a community-driven vision, and on having a cultural and civic impact, including in the programming of events and experiences at the venue.
Actively embracing the river, and better connecting with adjacent arts and sports precincts, is also highlighted — and, in terms of any physical changes to the site, so is ensuring that they "aspire to match the quality of the original", as overseen by a design advisory board.
And, the review also recommends "a refreshed retail and hospitality offering" — although just how and when that could come info effect hasn't been noted.
To find out more about Federation Square's upgrade, read the Victorian Government announcement. For more details about the findings from the Federation Square Review, visit the Engage Victoria website.