News Technology

Beer Holder Cuts Off Mobile Phone Signals to Boost Your Conversation

Two friends meet for a beer. Which are you?

Jasmine Crittenden
September 25, 2013


Two friends meet for a beer. Which are you? The one who pulls out a chair, sits down and starts checking who's been 'totes amazed' by your status update since you jumped off the train ten minutes ago, or the other, looking around, feigning fascination with the pub decor, muttering passive aggressive incantations under your breath?

Whether you're the connectivity addict or the addict's tortured friend, you'll be pleased to know that a remedy is nigh. It involves drinking more beer and sitting close together.

Brazilian beer company Polar has invented a beer holder that not only keeps your beverage cold but also blocks any 3G or 4G signal within a 1.5m radius. 'Share a Polar Beer, not a link', suggests the ad campaign. The product of collaboration with communications agency Paim, the device employs a scaled-down version of the technology that prevents prisoners from connecting via cell from their, ah, cells.

Previous attempts to discourage mobile phone obsession have included an oddly shaped beer glass (also a Brazilian invention) and the designation of 'cell phone areas' in Los Angeles restaurant Bucato.

The big question is: will the Polar 'cell phone nullifier' actually boost conversation, or merely cause people to stand further apart (at least 1.5m from their beers, that is)?